seriously unexpected that i manage to enter the final singing competition for cac nite...
neway, i'm not satisfied wiv my performance coz i was f**king nervous!!!!seriously nvr been nervous tll dis extent b4. even when i perform in sji, i also nvr been nervous b4....
dunno whether i still phobia to public or the mode diff...
Seriosuly, when i was singing in sji, i wont be that nervous coz that time i was PERFORMING, however, dis time is COMPETITION, reli make me wanna pee all the time n shake non-stop while singing in front of the audience n judges...i sorry for myself coz i reli think dat i screw up everything...
sigh, y dis year i juz keeps on screwing up paper is like dat, even my singing~~~:'(
well well, now start searching for song....n long time din practise my vocal edi, dat'y i was sux!!! man, hopefully i wont do the same thing dat day........