Now is 2.00am, n yes, i juz finished my mcd filet-o-fish set....tml 9.00am dance practice again, i supposed right on my bed now instead of blogging~~~BUT!! BUT!! I REALLY NEED A WAY OUT!!!!
I shouldnt be complained here as i was willing to join this n dance all 6 dances at the first place, neway, i juz wanna say it out to make myself feel better.......
Practised for 2 days (whole day) continuously.....n finally we ALMOST completed all 6 dances....juz need to polish up all the movement...n we only left ONE WEEK for performance.....n seriously, our dance, none of one can move to the stage........First time i feel so stress!!!!!!!
Today being the first time we do a full run on dance without drama....ya, non-stop, after 1st dance continue wiv 2nd dance...the outcome of 6 dances, terrible+horrible+vegetable!!!!!
i knew all the main campus dancers din mentally prepared for the following dance as we reli reli tired as in physically n mentally......Thank God teacher din reli scold us as they knew we r tired too n we juz finish all the movement by yesterday n today, not reli familiar completely wiv all the movement yet....they juz wanna c how well we can handle if anything happen on stage....
First time i saw my dancemates blurred until ask us where she supposed to stand,
First time i saw my dancemates blank until ask us wad's the dance all about...(by the time we all finish choreograph the dance edi),
First time i found myself reach the place but dunno wad movement to start...
First time i found myself langsung blank for the next movement like we nvr did b4......
First time i found our dance sooooooooo CHAOS!!!!
First time i found we r not sure wiv our movement.....
I hav lost confidence seriously....:(
All of these mistakes can no longer appear in practice or rehearsal right 1-week b4 of performance!!!!!!
I felt sorry to teacher coz i did reli badly for all the 6 dances....
i din mentally prepared, i'm not alert.......
sigh, this time i reli reli feel that i got no confidence in handling each dance....:(
B4 start the first dance, i reli can feel my heart beat faster, first time i feel that like i'm getting heart attack u know~~
Well, treat today as an experience.....i reli hope dat the next rehearsal, all the dancers can dance better, cannot worse than this time seriously.....
GOD!!!!!!!giv all the pt-30 dancers power for one week plus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!only one week plus plz~~~~~~~~~~~all of us must dance till finish the performance........
JIA YOU EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hypnotise myself that my body, my muscle isnt pain, (eventhought it is, doubt if tml can move or not)
hypnotise myself that my skin is not itchy........(THANKS to fungus infection, now even my armpit also kena edi...........super duper pain man!!!!!!!!!!)
hypnotise myself i'm not tired, i'm awaken, i can memo all the movement, i can dance it all out wiv the right feel!!!!
hypnotise myself wiv everything that can aid me in dancing~~~~
finish, sleep!!!!!!!!nite nite everyone!!!